SPEE no IEEE Engineering Day

///SPEE no IEEE Engineering Day

    Engineering Day, 27 julho 2019, integrado na conferência WiE – International Leadership Summit que decorreu a 26 e 27 julho, na FEUP.

    Bill Williams proferiu a palestra intitulada “Impact of Gender and Diversity on Education and workplace environment“.

    Gustavo Alves participou na mesa redonda “Diversity & Inclusion in Engineering: Challenges of Education Institutions” moderada por Isabel Ramos, Universidade do Minho e investigadora no projeto Equal-IST, e com a participação de:

    • Vitor Tavares, IEEE-PT Education Chapter
    • Fernanda Ledesma, ANPRI
    • Carina Andrade, WiE-PT
    • Gustavo Alves, SPEE
    • Ana Madureira, IEEE R8 secretary

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    2019-08-02T09:05:19+00:00Agosto 2nd, 2019|Comentários fechados em SPEE no IEEE Engineering Day