ISEP SEMINARS on Novel Teaching Methodologies
The ISEP SEMINARS on Novel Teaching Methodologies are a discussion forum on Education, with special focus to teaching methodologies in Higher Education.
The main goal is to provide access to pedagogical successful experiences from countries worldwide. Several topics will be discussed, namely, Education disruption, Agile education, eduScrum, active-learning techniques, curricula, student-centred learning, assessment, feedback, students’ motivation, students’ knowledge acqusition, students’ soft skills, students’ hard skills, and many others.
These seminars last 1 hour per session.
Certificates of participation will be provided.
More info
Workshop online EduScrum
– Willy Wijnands
O ISEP está a organizar um workshop online de EduScrum com o formador Willy Wijnands, professor de ciências da Ashram College, na Holanda, e fundador do EduScrum.
O workshop será dividido em três sessões de 03h50 e em mais três sessões de treino de 30 min cada:
26 de junho 2020 – entre as 17h00 e as 20h45
27 de junho 2020 – entre as 09h30 e as 13h15
3 de julho 2020 – entre as 17h00 e as 20h45
As inscrições são limitadas a 25 participantes e estão abertas até 1 de junho:
Todas as informações sobre o curso devem ser consultadas no seguinte link:
+ INFO: [email protected]