According to its statutes, the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (SPEE) is managed by three governing bodies with three members each, for a term of two years. SPEE is, however, of its members: it is made by them, for them and with them. SPEE should go beyond the managing members of the society. Only then does SPEE make sense.
We defined six lines of action for this mandate: the society´s internal management; the promotion and dissemination of SPEE and its members, with special emphasis on the SPEE YouTubechannel; supporting relevant conferences in Engineering Education; the dynamization of the Working Groups; the promotion of the second edition of national events, SPEEDI and FDEE; and, last but not least, the internationalization of the society.
This is our rationale. The list that is not closed. We would like to encourage and bring members to the SPEE activity!
This is the challenge we leave!
November 2020
Governing Board members,
Filomena Soares, Paulo Moura Oliveira, and Maria João Meireles