Forum EE

/Forum EE
Forum EE2023-02-13T16:05:20+00:00

3rd Engineering Education Development Forum

February 17, from 9:150 am to 5:15 pm

Anfiteatro 8.01, Engineering Faculty of  University of Beira Interior



The Portuguese Society for Engineering Education with its Working Groups and the University of Beira Interior organize the 3rd Forum for the Development of Engineering Education.
This event takes place on October 19, from 9:15 am to 5:15 pm, at Anfiteatro 8.01 Engineering Faculty of University of Beira Interior.

The session is open to Students, Researchers, Faculty members (with prior registration required).

It is intended that this event will be a catalyst for the discussion of the topic Engineering Education, with the specific objectives:

• Disclosure of the activity of the SPEE Working Groups
• Creation of a space for dissemination and sharing in Engineering Education
• Dissemination of practices in Engineering Education




Opening Session

Ethics in Engineering Education Panel


Gender and Diversity in Engineering Education Panel

Research in Engineering Education Panel

13h00-14h30 Lunch


Mathematics in Engineering Education Panel


ICT in Engineering Education Panel

Closing Session


Mandatory registration until 14th February HERE!


SPEE Members Registration: Free

Non SPEE Members Registration: 15 euros

Additional Lunch fee: 10 euros

Informação detalhada dos Painéis:

Painel Ética na Educação em Engenharia

Ética e Integridade em Engenharia

A primeira meia hora será preenchida com breve exposição-resumo de Luis Adriano Oliveira (LAO, coordenador do GT-EEE) sobre o conteúdo programático de um curso intitulado “Ética e Integridade em Engenharia” que leciona atualmente a convite da Ordem dos Engenheiros – Região Centro (OERC). A segunda meia hora será dedicada a um diálogo socrático, envolvendo LAO e um conjunto de quatro alunos que efetuarão uma análise crítica sobre a exposição apresentada.


Luis Adriano Oliveira (Coordenador do GT-EEE)

Eduardo Josué Rodrigues, em representação do Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica da Associação Académica da Universidade de Coimbra (NEEMAAC)

Ricardo Leiras, em representação do Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia Mecânica da Associação Académica da Universidade de Coimbra (NEEMAAC)

Jéssica Monteiro, em representação do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra (ISEC)

Vitor Fernandes, em representação do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra (ISEC)


Alfredo Soeiro (Coordenador do GT-EEE)


Painel Género e Diversidade na Educação em Engenharia

Unravelling the secrets of diversity and inclusion in engineering

This interactive workshop will explore the underrepresentation of women in engineering and strategies to build an inclusive ecosystem where women students feel valued and respected. The session will look to shift the emphasis form ‘fixing women’ to helping all engineers to think differently. Jan will present an approach founded on excellence in engineering design using her RISE methodology. And will leave you with new ideas and actions.

Jan Peters was the UK export to the European Commission women for Science Office from 1999 to 2003. She has commissioned, and researched, women in engineering for over 20 years and was President of the Women’s Engineering Society from 2008 to 2011. Following her involvement in the design of the award winning UCL Integrated Engineering Programme she led the report Designing inclusive engineering education for the Royal Academy of Engineering. Copy attached


Jan Peters, Katalytik

Bio: Jan Peters MBE has a PhD in semiconductor physics and solar cell design. These days she is a diversity and inclusion thought leader, speaker, and author. With experience in STEM research, manufacturing, and policy, she brings a wealth of knowledge around the history of efforts to bring balance into the STEM workforce and creative solutions to build inclusive teams. She has worked with UCL since 2010 to explore inclusion in undergraduate courses and has supported the design of the UCL Integrated Engineering Programme, Open University projects, and course specifications to address inclusion in critical thinking, professional skills, and curriculum. In 2018 she authored the UCL and Royal Academy of Engineering report on Designing inclusive engineering education. Jan holds the role of Visiting Professor at the Open University. She has gone on to design an engineering inclusion programme and a manifesto for inclusion in engineering.


Rita Pereira e Cristina Borges


Painel Investigação na Educação em Engenharia

This session will last approximately 30 minutes and is intended for the presentation of the new working group Research in Engineering Education. The session will begin with a brief presentation of some data on Research in Engineering Education, followed by a discussion.


Rui Lima, Universidade do Minho

Bill Williams, Instituto Superior Técnico

Diana Mesquita, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Gustavo Alves, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto


Rui Lima


Painel Matemática na Educação em Engenharia

Mathematics Education: old and new issues

In this round table we will discuss old and new issues in Mathematics Education. Examples are: hard and soft skills, essential skills, curricula, real-world case studies, assessment, …


Jaime Silva, Universidade de Coimbra

Ricardo Queirós, Instituto Politécnico do Porto


Carla M.A. Pinto, Deolinda Rasteiro


Painel TIC na Educação em Engenharia

Emerging Technologies in Higher Engineering Education: The Values and the Risks”.

The purpose of my presentation is to analyze and discuss elements of the use and influence of emerging technologies in Higher Engineering Education and the proposed values and risks involved. An important reference here are 2 studies facilitated by the 4TU-Centre for Engineering Education in the Netherlands.

The first study was to explore the current situation of emerging technologies and the perceived values for higher engineering education. An important conclusion was that to decide about the value for education we must develop an understanding of these technologies, which will allow students, teachers, and institutions to judge if and how such technologies can help to improve their teaching and learning.

The second study was about the ethical dimension of emerging technologies. Ethics is a pervasive aspect of technological practice. Because of the immense social power of technology, ethical issues are virtually always in play. Clearly universities are challenged to respond to the societal and educational demands that seem to develop faster and become more complex. The complexity though is not just technical, it is the combination of technology, and specifically big data use, the link with job requirements, educational practices, ethical responsibilities, and socio-cultural aspects of education.

Emerging technologies are on the fore front of pressing challenges of big data use, changing educational practices, ethical responsibilities, and social cultural aspects of education. Engineering education needs to get ready to decide about the value for education of these technologies. Therefor ideas and discussions about the future in education matters because these fundamentally shape what we think education is and should be.


Pieter Vries, 4-TU Centre for Engineering Education

Bio: My field of work is learning innovation in the industry and in higher engineering education with the focus on technology enhanced learning. Eminent in the approach is the emphasis on new developments, new insights, theoretical findings, and technologies for learning with a design-based research approach to involve and allow stakeholders to (in-) directly improve their capacity for innovative educational practices.

My focus in recent years was on the development and application of MOOCs and the role of emerging technologies in higher engineering education from a development and research perspective.

Upon my retirement I was affiliated with the Delft University of Technology, the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management and the 4-TU Centre for Engineering Education.
I was member of the board of directors of SEFI and spent some years as treasurer of this organization.

I have an interdisciplinary background in Human Geography, Mass Communication, Learning Sciences, and a PhD on managing corporate e-learning development. I worked in various occupations as teacher, developer, coordinator, researcher, and manager. My experiences range from secondary education to higher education and a variety of public and private organizations. These include numerous national and international projects (EU Parliament, EU Framework programs) businesses and industries, like the service industry, transport, energy, food, and defense.


Gustavo R. Alves e José Manuel Fonseca



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To get the 10% discount on the best available rate, FDEE attendees must mention that they will be participating in the Engineering Education Development Forum.