Members of the 2020-2022 biennium:
Annual General Meeting Committee
Supervisory Board
Working Groups:
TIC in Engineering Education
Maths in Engineering Education
Research, Gender and Diversity in Engineering Education
Ethics in Engineering Education
Outgoing Members from 16 May 2018 to 4 November 2020:
President: Gustavo Alves (ISEP/IPP)
Vowel: Filomena Soares (EEUM)
Vowel: Bill Williams (IPS)
Annual General Meeting Committee
President: Rosa Vasconcelos (EEUM)
Vice-President: Paulo Moura Oliveira (ECT/UTAD)
Secretary: Isabel da Silva João (ISEL/IPL)
Supervisory Board
President: Manuel Gameiro da Silva (FCTUC)
Vowel: Maria Manuel Nascimento (ECT/UTAD)
Vowel: Bárbara Coelho Gabriel (DEM/UA)
Outgoing Members from 5 April 2016 to 15 May 2018:
President: Manuel Gameiro da Silva (FCT/UC)
Vowel: Jorge Bernardino (ISEC/IPC)
Vowel: Gustavo Alves (ISEP/IPP)
Annual General Meeting Committee
President: José Carlos Quadrado (ISEL/IPL)
Vice-President: Luís Gomes (FCT/UNL)
Secretary: Jorge Barata (FE/UBI)
Supervisory Board
President: Luís de Picado Santos (IST/UL)
Vowel: António Augusto Sousa (FE/UP)
Vowel: Maria Manuel Nascimento (ECT/UTAD)
Outgoing Members from 15 April 2014 to 4 April 2016:
President: Alberto Cardoso (FCT/UC)
Vowel: Jorge Barata (FE/UBI)
Vowel: Jorge Bernardino (ISEC/IPC)
Annual General Meeting Committee
President: José Carlos Quadrado (ISEL/IPL)
Vice-President: Caroline Dominguez (ECT/UTAD)
Secretary: Gustavo Alves (ISEP/IPP)
Supervisory Board
President: Luís Gomes (FCT/UNL)
Vowel: Luísa Costa Sousa (FE/UP)
Vowel: Filomena Soares (EE/UM)
Outgoing Members from 27 April 2012 to 15 April 2014:
President: António Ferrari (UA)
Vowel: Rosa Vasconcelos (EE/UM) / Maria da Graça Rasteiro (FCT/UC)
Vowel: Maria João Martins (IST/UTL)
Annual General Meeting Committee
President: Luís Amaral (EE/UM)
Vice-President: Jorge Barata (FE/UBI)
Secretary: João Martins (FCT/UNL)
Supervisory Board
President: Francisco Restivo (FE/UP)
Vowel: Jorge Bernardino (ISEC/IPC)
Vowel: Luís Ramos (ECT/UTAD)
Outgoing Members from 19 February 2010 to 27 April 2012:
President: Maria Teresa Restivo (FE/UP)
Vowel: Jorge André (FCT/UC)
Vowel: Luís Gomes (FCT/UNL)
Annual General Meeting Committee
President: Teresa Correia de Barros (IST/UTL)
Vice-President: António Ferrari (UA)
Secretary: Rosa Vasconcelos (EE/UM)
Supervisory Board
President: Maria Antónia Carravilla (FE/UP)
Vowel: Manuel Gameiro (FCT/UC)
Vowel: Mário Rui Gomes (IST/UTL)